We can identify a placement that fits specific academic, working or personal goals.
Art Therapy: Interns can develop their own plans and design activities and strategies to provide support to patients through art therapy in arts, music, story telling, etc. at a children hospital.
Past placements include: Fundacion Nuestros Hijos
Addiction and Recovery: Work at a residential rehab clinic treating alcohol and drug addiction which serves low income addicts living in high social risks areas of the country whose aim is to help patients recover through an intensive, personalized program that combines medical treatment and complementary therapies. This drug rehabilitation centers lead individual patients to go from fearful, self-centered addicts into loving, focused persons who can live healthy and productive lives.
Biotechnology: Company engaged in research, development and commercialization of innovative cell therapies based on adult stem cells. As a spin off of one of the leading private universities in Chile, the company innovates in basic research on stem cells as a way to lead to new therapies with proven efficiency and safety for widespread degenerative diseases, including autoimmune, eye, cardiac, skin and articular pathology conditions among others. They work with a network of clinics, hospitals and health centers that have the necessary infrastructure to provide the best chance of recovery.
Branding and Marketing: Work with Marketing and Product Development teams to establish content needs and priorities. The intern may develop content in English with the purpose of branding the company across a variety of media sources such as social networks, newspapers, radio, television, and smartphone applications.
Business Management with Entrepreneurial: Work at a start-up where the intern can gain skills collaboration, management, marketing and finances. Develop strategies to promote and grow the business worldwide by supporting other departments and communicating the program worldwide.
Past placements include: Tourism Tiger, Tours4Tips
Chemical Engineering: Utilize chemical engineering skills to help grow the world's food, enabling new innovations in pharmaceutical delivery, enhancing foods and beverages, contributing to a more sustainable energy supply and advancing the manufacture of hundreds of essential products.
Children's Organization: Work with an organization who recruits, trains and organizes volunteers to accomplish the mission of fostering positive development of children at social risk in Chile. Intern may be tasked with overseeing and managing the implementation of programs and materials, communicate with international volunteers responsibilities and aiding in the recruitment process, lead and coordinate activities, and present analysis and reports to committee.
Cultural Tourism: Gain experience promoting and developing entrepreneurship in communities with limited resources through a transfer of innovative tools and methodologies. Assist with community projects and promote sustainable cultural tourism for young professionals.
Past placements include: Evoluzion, Smartrip
Eco-tourism Agency: Intern with a small eco-tourism company that aims to give back to local communities while helping clients discover Chile through various travel options, all focusing on Chile's people and natural wonders. Past interns have focused on tourism development, business management, and fieldwork.
Past placements include: Evoluzion
Electrical Engineering: The objective is to promote the development and generation of electrical energy in Chile, based on the principles of sustainability, reliability, and competitiveness as well as contribute to the discussion on energy generation and composition, contributing to the welfare of all Chileans.
Engineering: Participate in the design, construction, supply, equipment, installation, and commissioning of project systems in areas of sewage, industrial wastewater, and odor treatment with a strong commitment to society and the environment.
Past placements include: iSustainabilityLab
Engineering and Architectural Firm: Intern at a technology development company that provides comprehensive engineering in the fields of buildings, hospitals, industrial structures and infrastructure. Undertake a structural engineering project for the duration of the internship experience or work as part of a team on several projects.
Past placements include: Sirve
Environmental Architecture: Work with local environmental laws to research opportunities and develop ground and technical work. Ground work may be related to finding and measuring urban spaces which may be presented to municipalities and community leaders and analyzing economic scenarios of findings.
Past placements include: Sustentable, Urbanica
Events Management for a Green Organization: Intern with an organization that apply's green production technologies and re-training programs to create environment awareness among Chileans, promoting education in this field and the creation of “puntos limpios" (recycling stations) all over the country. The intern may assist in the development of green initatives by contacting representatives, and assisting with obtaining and organizing the representation of events in Chile.
Past placements include: Recycla
Financial Analysis and Asset Management: Work at a company that manages funds in national and international banking and investments and uses their expertise to find the best financial solutions to meet client goals. Interns may work in risk, and be tasked with cash flow, credit simulation, payment capacity, and coverage of financial expenses and liabilities. Intern may also assist with investment process for asset management and contribute to investment strategies of the firms portfolios.
Past placements include: Alta Direccion, Buenavista Capital, Compass and Scotiabank
Graphic Design: Work at a sustainable design company to help redefine the visual identity. Interns may work on graphic guidelines and templates for stationary, documents, letters, presentations and reports. Along with this work, special attention may be given to collaboration on the edition of highly visual edited material and info-graphics.
Past placements include: Dios las Cria
Health Education: Assist an organization that that finds and supports programs to improve the health and well-being of sick children from a full spectrum of needs including physical, emotional, and psychological. Interns may prepare educational materials and talks for patients families, and conduct training on cancer care for family members.
Past placements include: Fundacion Nuestros Hijosh
Journalism for English-Language Publication: Work in a multilingual firm that promotes Chile through various English language platforms or promote local magazines to Spanish departments at American universities. Assist with a variety of journalistic responsibilities such as blogging, writing articles, attending press conferences and editing and designing the publications for release.
Past placements include: I Love Chile
Mechanical Engineering: Intern with an international company with a history of providing excellent service in different segments of the construction industry or with a leading company in developing solutions to plastic for industries with a commitment to environmental protection under a policy of sustainable development.
Non-Profit Organization: Work with local communities at a large and small non-profits which focus their efforts on protecting the ecology of the Chilean Patagonia and the country as a whole. Assist with developing marketing material, web content, graphics, presentations and storytelling.
Past placements include: Patagonia Sur, Reforestemos Patagonia
Renewable Energy: Interns will choose a project to collaborate on which may include feasibility studies of bio-gas generation by seaweed or studies of waste to energy conversion, among others, to assess environmental impacts and the potential generation of energy. Intern may assist in designing devices to recover and recycle materials in local communities, designing reactors to produce energy using seaweed for local communities, or designing of combustion devices.
Past placements include: Univeristy of Desarrollo
Sports Marketing: The intern is expected to prepare and present a comprehensive comparison between professional soccer in the US and in Chile, including statistics, business models, and finances. The intern will aid in marketing strategies and products successfully used in the US and create strategies for implemented in Chile.
Past placements include: Chilean soccer team Audax Italiano
Trade and Investment Corporation: Work to promote trade and investment with Chilean markets in order to open up opportunities for sustainable market growth, learn how investment services are provided to small start-ups, gain experience advising high net worth individuals and families or explore international trade and multinational finance. Other opportunities exist in the asset management and banking industry where interns gain experience in the study of business and economic sectors.
Past placements include: Trade Chile
University Research Projects: Intern in a university setting on a wide breadth of engineering research projects ranging from renewable energy, biomechanical engineering, to mechanical engineering. Assist in applied research to create solutions to real-world societal problems.
Past placements include: Universidad de Desarrollo
Structural Engineering: Intern with a company focused on generating high quality and long lasting paving solutions, optimizing the use of resources and caring for environmental sustainability in its processes.
Computer Engineering: Help support an international company recognized as a leader in the design and implementation of IT solutions and services supporting the business processes of major companies in South America, utilizing IT or engineering background and skills.
Seismic Protection Technologies: Intern with a technology development and structural engineering company that provides comprehensive engineering and seismic protection solutions for buildings, hospitals, industrial structures, and life lines.
Past placements include: Sirve
Shelter and Public Health Training: Gain experience at a variety of non-profit organization that provide services ranging from providing housing and basic medical training for HIV/AIDS positive children and their parents to providing housing and services to at-risk youth. Responsibilities could include assisting with training on AIDS prevention and general health issues, providing social support for families and identifying international funding sources.
Past placements include: Fundación Santa Clara, Protectora de la Infancia
Videography and Photography Journalism: Work with a team covering local events by producing video content and photographs with written content for publication. Work may be published online, in magazines, blogs, and/or aired on television.
* Availablity of these placements prior confirmation from the organizations.